Changes go downward, months go upward. Please scroll to the bottom for a legend. Changelog started January 1, 2004; Currently at $Revision: 1.1040.2.330 $. SMF 1.0.7 29 March 2006 ================================================================================ March 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Added an extra check on the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR input variable. (QueryString.php) ! Limit the number of words that can be searched for a little bit. (Search.php) ! Prevent votes to be cast multiple times (Poll.php) SMF 1.0.6 15 January 2006 ================================================================================ December 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Added PHP 4.4.0 Compatibility Fix. (Subs.php) ! Added MySQL 5.0.12 Compatibility Fix. (Numerous Files) ! Added additional checks to the database query function to reduce the risk of SQL injections. (Subs.php) November 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The IPB 2 converter didn't convert all members if the same email address was used twice. (invision2_to_smf.php) ! The YaBB converter didn't convert attachments properly. (yabb_to_smf.php) October 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Fixed a PHP 5.0.5 compatibility issue causing ssi_whosOnline() to malfunction. (SSI.php) July 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Finally fixed the nasty bug that was removing theme options. (Profile.php) ! Increase the strictness of the icon filename check. (Post.php) ! Make sure to check the moderator's session on lock/sticky. (LockTopic.php) ! Remove some package servers from the default list. (server.list) SMF 1.0.4 June 7, 2005 ================================================================================ June 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Fixed some parsing problems that could lead to injection holes in IE. (Subs.php) * Added an update window in the admin area, to inform users when new updates become available. (Admin template) & Added two new language entries for the above change. (Admin language files) April 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Try harder to get the birthdate right. (yabb_to_smf.php) ! Add attachment converting support. (yabb_to_smf.php) * Even when one avatar directory has a name similar to another one, keep the files in the right places. (Profile template) March 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Don't choke and die if the Settings.php file isn't writable when sending an error message. (Admin.php) SMF 1.0.3 March 28, 2005 ================================================================================ March 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Fix lacnic whois server link. (ManageMembers.php) ! Sometimes (much of the time), using multiple search conditions could cause your add code to be miffed up. (Subs-Package.php) ! The RSS feeds were using overly unique links. (News.php) ! Try to parse blank URLs and a few other things more correctly. (Subs-Post.php) ! Don't give an error when you try to delete nothing from the news. (Admin.php) * Fixed a small HTML typo. (Search template) ! Don't kill the installer if session.save_handler is set strangely. (install.php) ! The database error email message just wasn't sending. (Subs-Auth.php) ! Clean up better after multiple spaces/etc. in usernames. (Register.php) ! Handle single quotes in email addresses from the profile better. (Profile.php) ! Fixed a case where calendar events wouldn't be handled properly. (Calendar.php) February 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Fixed new poll choices sometimes getting messed up after editing polls. (Poll.php) ! Send the automatically generated password properly on administrative registrations. (Register.php) ! Validate any choices for lngfile on registration. (Register.php) * When editing polls, the choice ordering could be messed up. (Poll template) * Automatic notification was still being turned off sometimes on replies with quick reply. (Display template) SMF 1.0.2 February 14, 2005 ================================================================================ February 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Don't use id for login checks, use member. (LogInOut.php) ! Properly censor the first post's subject and show it in the main link, not the matched subject. (Search.php) ! In Invision, usernames should already have entities. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php) ! Fixed a typo that was causing permission problems for non-administrators. (Profile.php) ! If someone's data isn't loaded yet, they have no permissions; return false instead of generating errors. (Security.php) ! Make the personal messages load faster. (InstantMessage.php) ! You couldn't set the strength for glow to more than 2 without using zeros. (Subs.php) ! Make the "I don't like people to see my full path which can easily be seen in other ways anyway" people happy. (SSI.php, ssi_examples.php) ! Change [quote=...] to [quote="..."] in the vBulletin converters. (vbulletin_to_smf.php, vbulletin3_to_smf.php) ! Fixed missing member ID on login after registration. (Register.php) January 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Fixed a minor notice when searching without create temporary. (Search.php) ! Pagination was still a bit wrong in unread topics, etc. (Recent.php) ! Fix handling of slashes in search form filling. (Search.php) ! Upgrader didn't show the error message properly for when agreement.txt was not writable. (upgrade.php) ! phpBB converter now handles code sections and some other bbcode better. (phpbb2_to_smf.php) ! CGI server check for logins, etc. wasn't working with FastCGI. (Load.php) ! Fix "never expire" not being properly checked bug. (LogInOut.php) ! Fixed missing ID_FIRST_MSG when searching without temporary tables. (Search.php) ! Multiple members wouldn't show in the "newest members" rss feed. (News.php) ! If anything goes wrong extracting a file, fail more silently. (Subs-Package.php) ! Recount all forum totals was not properly affecting the last messages on boards. (Admin.php) ! Attachments with "&" and " " characters in them weren't converted properly. (phpbb2_to_smf.php) ! Keep tabs in PHP code blocks properly under PHP 5. (Subs.php) ! Make upgrade.php accept an older language file for minor releases. (upgrade.php) ! Resetting all theme options didn't always set the default registration options right. (Themes.php) & A few links were using _new instead of _blank. (Errors language files, Help language files, Subs.php, news_readme.html) ! A database error could occur if you tried to create a smiley with a single quote in its name. (ManageSmileys.php) ! Package manager wasn't properly skipping missing files. (Subs-Package.php) ! Minor unimportant but still dumb typo in all converters. (all converters) ! Fixed a notice that could occur when a guest posts. (Post.php) * Work around dumb server security settings. (Subs.php, ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template) ! Fix some issues in the YaBB and YaBB SE converters. (yabb_to_smf.php, yabbse_to_smf.php) SMF 1.0.1 January 13, 2005 ================================================================================ January 2005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The calendar was not showing birthdates properly at the end of the year. (Calendar.php) & Fixed a typo in the can't reply to locked topics message. (Errors language files) ! Changed the version numbers of *changed* files to 1.0.1. (all changed files, upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql) ! Don't show "2: ", or "8: " error level indicator in error messages, show file/line to admins. (Errors.php) ! The attachment directory's size was not being counted properly. (ManageAttachments.php, Post.php) ! Search had some problems still with "temporary table emulation". (Search.php) ! If readfile is disabled, check for null instead of false. (Display.php) ! Fixed a minor typo in the package manager. (PackageGet.php) ! Fixed a minor typo in the profile. (Profile.php) ! Don't log notices from PHP 5 in the error log. (Errors.php) & Made $txt['package45'] more descriptive. (Packages language files) ! Escape any input made from the login page, just in case. (LogInOut.php) ! Unread topics weren't showing page numbers correctly. (Recent.php) ! Handle attachments with quotes in their names properly. (all converters) ! Update copyright notices. (all changed files, index language files, all converters, help files) ! Use a proper id under WAP for categories. (Wireless template) ! Number format wasn't saving properly from the settings. (Subs.php) ! Moving topics should use default redirect notice in forum's default language. (MoveTopic.php) ! Check to make sure uploaded temp files actually exist when validating them. (Profile.php, Post.php) ! Fix pagination in trackip functionality. (ManageMembers.php) ! For mark unread's purposes, don't check that they aren't the last poster. (Recent.php) ! Whether an email was public or not (email_public) was not properly reflecting guest_hideContacts. (Load.php) ! Edit poll was duplicating slashes, etc., on preview. (Poll.php) ! If there were karma or im options involved with only some members, failure resulted. (yabb_to_smf.php) ! Theme converter was adding too many slashes to PHP code from template.php. (Themes.php) ! GlobalCookies setting was not properly disabled for IP addresses. (Subs-Auth.php) ! Don't cough and die on filenames with tildas in them in the detailed version checker. (Admin.php) ! Minor notice in login if you went to login2 directly. (LogInOut.php) * Allow the easy uninstallation/upgrade of non-modification packages. (Packages template) ! If Invision's upload directory cannot be found for some reason, use .../uploads. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php) ! If the package file is zero bytes in size, don't die horribly. (Subs-Package.php) ! Don't create a backup of the "Settings.php" file using the normal tilda method. (Subs-Package.php) ! Blank out url_rewriter.tags so SMF can just do it itself. (Load.php) ! Work a little harder to sanitize filenames. (ManageSmileys.php, Themes.php, QueryString.php) ! Fixed a couple minor typos. (Help files, various files) ! Don't die horribly if the compression data in an archive is corrupt. (Subs-Package.php) December 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The package manager tried to show 'package_no_gzip' but it should have been 'package_no_zlib'. (Packages.php) ! Just in case, make sure any files from don't contain dlattach. (PackageGet.php, Themes.php, ManageSmileys.php) & Fixed some problems in the Spanish language files. (all language files) * Don't use $txt[94] + something for total numbers, it's not very internationalizable. (BoardIndex template) ! The XMB converter now properly parses the [align] bbc tag. (xmb_to_smf.php) & Fixed a minor typo - "through out". (Profile language files, profile help files) ! Fixed a typo in the phpBB converter. (phpbb2_to_smf.php) ! Avoid marking boards and topics read for guests upon deletion. (RemoveTopic.php, MoveTopic.php) ! Smileys couldn't have special characters (<, >, &, etc.) in their alt/description text. (Subs.php) ! Fixed a few problems in the YaBB SE to SMF converter. (yabbse_to_smf.php) ! The YaBB converter is now at the point where it works, and doesn't crash. It may be buggy. (yabb_to_smf.php) ! Don't even allow files to be uploaded as avatars if they have no proper size. (Profile.php) ! Fix a small notice made when you change your password from your profile. (Profile.php) * Fixed a bit of button display logic. (Recent template, Profile template) SMF 1.0 December 29, 2004 ================================================================================ December 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If something happens to Settings.php, still try to show an error screen. (index.php) ! Don't prefill the "To" box with "". (InstantMessage.php) ! Cleaned up some comments and minor coding conventions. (various files) ! Attempt to stop time and memory limits from causing problems with attachments. (Display.php) ! Attempt to prevent a timeout when recounting forum totals and statistics. (Admin.php) ! Don't allow editing of own custom title by default. (smf_1-0.sql) ! Cleanup permissions and make upgrades not set permissions each round or affect post groups. (smf_1-0.sql, upgrade.php, ManagePermissions.php, phpbb2_to_smf.php, yabbse_to_smf.php) ! Add language installation notes to all and remove requirements from update (since they are the same.) (install_readme.html, upgrade_readme.html, update_readme.html) ! Fixed a very minor bug which was defaulting a board permission to a global permission. (ManagePermissions.php) * Update script.js to handle an evil change to Safari 1.3's handling of readonly inputs/textareas. (script.js) ! XMB converter wasn't handling the post text correctly. (xmb_to_smf.php) ! Themes could be set by URL even if this was turned off. (Load.php) ! Made a check for form_stack_pointer just in case. (Security.php) ! Polls now use the same psuedo-international character set fixing. (Post.php, Poll.php) ! Passwords with single quotes in them weren't being set properly from the profile. (Profile.php) ! Updated the help in various places, layout and language information. (various files in help) ! The to/bcc fields might be filled with "" on an error. (InstantMessage.php) ! Fixed a typo that prevented the moderation log from working. (Modlog.php) & Removed the word "beta" from the default theme description. (Settings language files) * Clean up page indexes for WAP/WML. (Wireless template) ! Fix the error message for not being able to announce_topic. (Post.php) & Added some helpful information to $helptxt['fixLongWords']. (Help language files) ! XMB converter was adding slashes in bad/annoying places. (xmb_to_smf.php) ! vBulletin 2 and 3 converters were not properly converting the last post information. (vbulletin_to_smf.php, vbulletin3_to_smf.php) ! Image URL protection was affecting links in some cases too when images were next to each other. (Subs-Post.php) ! Removing nested quotes removed text between when using just [quote]. (Post.php, InstantMessage.php) ! Administration panel sometimes gave errors if you had very few permissions to it. (Admin.php) & Updated $txt['send_validation_onChange']. (ModSettings language files) ! If a birthday from next year is shown on the board index, calculate the age correctly. (Calendar.php) ! Fixed a few typos. (Install language files, Admin language files, Errors language files) ! Check cookie before unserializing to patch PHP security hole. (Load.php, smf_api.php) ! Don't use unserialize() in Search, instead fake it. (Search.php) & Add half a sentence to $txt['smiley_editsets_explain']. (ManageSmileys language files) ! Prevent changing a board's parent to one of its children. (ManageBoards.php) ! Make sure people can't remove posts if they have no permission at all to. (Subs-Boards.php) ! Don't delete attachments that have internationalized filenames on maintenance. (ManageAttachments.php) ! Registering a new member would cause an error to be flagged if the ban session variable didn't exist. (Register.php) ! Look and Layout in Profile would give a broken smiley image if an error occured on saving. (Profile.php) ! Fill the email your member variables even for custom email addresses. (ManageMembers.php) * It was possible to have a member name that you couldn't pm. (Subs-Auth.php, InstantMessage.php, InstantMessage template) ! Completely clear the settings for any guest. (Load.php) ! Renamed the title of "New Year's". (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql) ! Don't list all holidays/birthdays ever - 0000-12-30 to 0000-01-01. (Calendar.php) ! The registration date changed when editing profiles and getting errors. (Profile.php) ! Because the registration date can be changed, order by it specifically when viewing the member list. (Memberlist.php) ! Allow arrays as theme options and settings. (Themes.php, Profile.php) ! Set theme as default when converting. (upgrade.php) ! Fixed some minor notices when getting pm errors and loading missing language files. (Load.php, InstantMessage.php) & Tweaked description of time format. (profile help files, Profile language files) ! Package manager was sometimes uninstalling xml-style packages incorrectly. (Subs-Package.php) & Almost all of Spanish is now properly translated. (all language files) November 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Handle the case where the bbcode_uid is blank. (phpbb2_to_smf.php) ! You weren't able to upload a theme directly without clearing the "copy of" box. (Themes.php) ! If you used two dots in an attachment filename, for any reason, it could fail. (Subs.php) ! There was a potential problem in the installer if something got double-spaced. (install.php) ! Converters now try a cross-database check before doing anything. (all converters) & Updated $txt['mboards_moderators_desc'] to reduce confusion. (ManageBoards language files) ! Prevent an error in the profile when the avatar path is not properly accessable. (Profile.php) ! Prevent [0] from messing up posts when not in lists. (Subs.php) & Added $txt['mail_send_unable'] for mail that couldn't send. (index language files) ! Fixed a minor error in package uploading. (PackageGet.php) ! The recentTopics and recentPosts SSI functions were not well scalable. (SSI.php) * Gosh, how long has that typo been there? (BoardIndex template) ! Fixed a notice in ssi_recentPoll. (SSI.php) ! Changed the error message for registering twice in a row. (Register.php) ! Don't compress attachments on PHP 4.1.x. (Display.php) ! Don't show a blank screen if template files are missing. (Load.php) ! Don't start a session if one has already been started. (Load.php) ! Try to force curposlinks on if it doesn't exist. (upgrade.php) ! Cleaned up a lot of whitespace issues. (various files) * Updated a few images with better quality, etc. (various files) ! Updated credits. (Admin.php) % Released SMF 1.0 (preview) to Charter Members. ! Updated credits a little more, sorry. (Admin.php) * Hidden emails are now properly italicized in profiles. (Profile template, Load.php) ! Don't show uninstall for older versions of installed mods. (PackageGet.php, Packages.php, Packages template) ! Don't warn about the deletion of a package if it's not the current version. (Packages template) ! Added debugging information in the package manager when data is appened to a file. (Subs-Package.php) ! Small notice when an author wasn't specified for modifications. (PackageGet.php) ! The extension of an uploaded avatar wasn't being determined properly for well-sized bitmaps. (Profile.php) ! Modifications weren't always uninstallable. (Subs-Package.php) ! The installer wasn't setting up the session properly with database driven sessions. (install.php) ! Attempted to fix that darn entity thing in profiles. (Profile.php) ! Announcing a topic on a board no one could access was giving errors. (Post.php) ! Started poll and topic counts were including junk posts. (Profile.php) ! The session auto rewriter could adversely affect the latest-news... (Admin template) ! Check the output_handler directive to see if output compression is already being done. (SSI.php, index.php) ! Converters were not auto-continuing properly. (all converters) * For readability, list BBC is now multilined, instead of a single line. (Post template) ! Automatically try to handle deadlocks and such from InnoDB tables. (Errors.php) * Fixed a javascript error to do with attachments. (Post template) ! Fixed a possible error in topic annoucenment if permissions were already screwed up. (Post.php) ! Fixed a small typo in the help. (profile help files) * The wrong language strings were being used for 'Total Topics'. (BoardIndex template) ! Show proper error messages for fatal errors. (Errors.php) ! Always log notices and all other errors, no matter what. (Errors.php) ! Changed all the version numbers to that magical number... but just wait a bit... (all files) ! Recent topics speed up now no longer ignores topics marked unread. (Recent.php) * To help find people using old versions of SMF, the current-version.js script now takes the forum's version. (Admin template) ! I may have just fixed the last posts per board problem. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php) ! Don't overwrite the error message in install.php when trying a different database name. (install.php) October 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Package manager should give a hint to the package server for the language to use. (PackageGet.php) ! Clear the remembered language and theme upon login. (LogInOut.php) ! Fix typo causing theme options not to be loaded properly. (Register.php) * Now, in Gecko-based (Mozilla, etc.) browsers, clicking bbc buttons will select text better. (script.js) * Additionally, Gecko browsers were akwardly scrolling the text back to the top. (script.js) ! Fixed the login bug for some darn versions of Apache too. (Load.php) ! You should be able to set theme options for theme x. (Themes.php) * The "delete selected" button in the Classic theme shouldn't have had a background. (Display template, classic only) ! Just in case people misread the installer's stuff, try using the table prefix if the given user/database fail. (install.php) & Slightly updated the removeNestedQuotes description in the help. (Help language files) ! The remove nested quotes feature no longer leaves newlines everywhere in the post. (Post.php, InstantMessage.php) ! Disabling [shadow] tags had disastrous results, in cases. (Subs.php) ! If you clicked an IP address directly, pagination didn't work. (ManageMembers.php) ! Message preview was taking off the first 128 characters. (Recent.php, MessageIndex.php) ! Packages weren't always downloading properly, in most cases in fact. (PackageGet.php) ! Added smf_loadThemeData to the smf_api.php file. (smf_api.php) ! If you can't download a package, give a better error message. (Subs-Package.php, PackageGet.php) ! Attempt to log a person out of the subdomain if globalCookies is on. (Subs-Auth.php) ! Updated version numbers to RC2+ to avoid confusion. (all files) & Fixed $helptxt['attachmentEnable'] to actually correspond to the current options. (Help language files) ! When connecting to FTP, try another possible path just to make it easier. (Packages.php, PackageGet.php, install.php) * Added a "go to last post" icon to the topic listing. (Recent template, MessageIndex template, last_post.gif) ! Corrected last_post hrefs and added a 'new_href' (yet unused) to simplify things. (Recent.php, MessageIndex.php) ! Increase the search pointer as soon as possible. (Search.php) ! Don't show upgrade error message when using SSI. (Errors.php) ! Spell check was not handling slashes (\) properly. (Subs-Post.php) ! If flash was enabled, a notice was being given. (Subs.php) ! Don't leave broken files in the database when avatar upload fails... (Subs-Graphics.php, Profile.php) ! Properly tell the server that the connection should be closed. (Subs.php) & Corrected $helptxt['m_queryless_urls']. (Help language files) & The forum copyright now opens in a new window. (index language files) ! Fixed a minor html issue in many of the converters. (various converters) ! No longer should Settings.php ever be corrupted; this happened because of \r's in the file. (various converters, install.php, upgrade.php, repair_settings.php, Admin.php) ! Small notice upon initial installation. (Subs.php) ! Flash wasn't being parsed properly if someone added tags inside it. (Subs.php) * Added forum version to latest package information. (Packages.php, Packages template) ! Changed version numbers to show "SMF 1.0 (preview)" in preparation... (all files) ! The dump database feature was not totally compatible with MySQL 4.1.x. (DumpDatabase.php) ! Package manager should show images in file listing. (Packages.php) ! Highlight PHP code when viewing files from that listing too. (Packages.php, Subs.php) ! Default username wouldn't save for FTP info. (Packages.php) ! Subjects in notifications were being sent with html in them. (Subs-Post.php, Post.php) ! SSI.php was returning null for an error in ssi_boardNews(). (SSI.php) ! Upgrades weren't being checked for properly. (Subs-Package.php) ! The phpBB converter didn't check for the attachments table properly. (phpbb2_to_smf.php) ! Fixed a humbling number of my own typos. (various files) & Renamed $txt['package_ftp_neccessary'] to $txt['package_ftp_necessary']. (Packages language files) ! Avoid a notice in install.php for old versions of PHP. (install.php) ! In permissions management, the "Ungrouped Members" box would show as checked in error if no groups had access. (ManagePermissions.php) ! The repair_settings.php tool no longer saves database settings without a connection, checks for dirname(), and detects a value for db_prefix. (repair_settings.php) ! Prevent the package manager from timing out with long modification files. (Subs-Package.php) * The search value being prefilled in "simple search" was incorrect. (Search template) ! The FTP path was not being autodetected well except in /home/xyz/ style hosts. (Packages.php) ! Renamed 'option' to 'options' for polls - compatibility with Mambo. (SSI.php, Display.php, Poll.php) ! Sometimes, packages weren't properly reversable. (Subs-Package.php) * Quick moderation didn't work in topics with "buttons as text". (Display template) & There, the SMF link in the copyright may now optionally include the title "Simple Machines Forum". (index language files) ! If someone entered no "To" and no "Bcc" a notice *might* have been caused. (InstantMessage.php) ! The default FTP server options were not being used properly. (Packages.php, PackageGet.php) ! Unread topics/replies weren't checking properly for which board you were looking for. (Recent.php) & Added package_no_zlib error, shown when the server has no zlib support. (Packages.php, Packages language files) SMF 1.0 RC2 October 11, 2004 ================================================================================ October 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If the first word in the string was misspelled, spell checking failed. (Subs-Post.php) * The signature length checker wasn't functioning exactly correctly. (Profile template) ! Now, the referrer check works even if the server is configured incorrectly. (Security.php) ! The referrer check should now work even across subdomains, when "global cookies" are enabled. (Security.php) ! It was possible to search the member list based on aim/msn/etc. even when guest_hideContacts was enabled. (Memberlist.php) * Updated a comment in index.template.php to make it sound a little less weird. (index template) ! Upgrader wouldn't actually reset the language to english. (upgrade.php) ! If you enter an invalid value for ICQ (such as 0) the field should be blanked. (Profile.php) ! If you can't administrate the forum, you can't add members to the Administrator group. (ManageMembers.php) ! The boards in your notification list were erroneously showing as unread when they weren't. (Profile.php) * The notification list in your profile was not paginated; it needs to be for longer lists of topics. (Profile.php, Profile template) ! In Opera, only the first " in a javascript-inserted quote was fixed for entities. & Updated $txt['theme_options_reset'] to make more sense. (Themes language file) ! Invision converter was giving a notice for some uploaded avatars. (invision2_to_smf.php) * Very slightly tweaked the padding in the main administration area. (Admin template) ! Started some work on the YaBB converter. (yabb_to_smf.php) ! The access this template file directly was not working for some windows servers. (Load.php) ! If you picked 'http://' as your own avatar, it saved it and made errors everywhere. (Profile.php) & Changed "everytime" to "every time". (ModSettings langauge files, Profile language files) & Fixed various typos throughout comments and English language files. (various files) ! Don't require database backup to come from ?action=maintain. (DumpDatabase.php) ! BBC Tags weren't being disabled properly when sending personal messages. (Post.php, Subs-Post.php) & $txt['statPanel_noPosts'] now sounds better even when it's not your profile. (Profile language files) ! Error when uploading a file that wasn't a zip or tar.gz file to the package manager. (PackageGet.php) ! The smf_api.php file should not do nothing if it's included into SMF or with SSI.php. (smf_api.php) ! The value of theme options and theme settings can now be much longer. (smf_1-0.sql, upgrade.php) ! Don't send the subject mime encoded if it doesn't need to be. & Now, the package manager will say "uninstallation actions for archive..." (Packages language file) * Fixed it so it would say that in the template too. (Packages template) ! The getPackageInfo() function no longer allows selection of a specific package-info.xml file. (Subs-Package.php, Packages.php) ! Significantly optimized the "show all unread topics" function so it is of bearable speed. (Recent.php) ! Basic HTML now works again, and you're allowed to use alt with it, after the src for img tags. (Subs.php) ! Quoting posts works better now from Internet Explorer if they have < or >. (Post.php) ! Fixed subject internationalization cheating in split, merge, and move. (SplitTopic.php, MoveTopic.php) ! Subject internationalization was also not working well in the "last post" column. (MessageIndex.php, BoardIndex.php) ! Insert quote feature was not behaving well with Opera 7.60's implementation of DOMParser. (Post.php) * The calendar now shows a "board to post in" even on preview. (Post template) * The message being sent when a person was deleted was.... weird. (Register template, Login language file, Register.php) ! Who's online wasn't showing people on a board if they viewed a topic in it. (Load.php) ! Recent posts through xml/rss were not being limited by board properly. (News.php) ! The parsing of links with autolinked links in them still wasn't working 100%. (Subs.php) ! The above problem was still occurring for basic html links. (Subs.php) ! By default, send personal messages to members from "email" by bcc. (ManageMembers.php) ! Use "install_*.sql" and "upgrade_*.sql" convention. (install_1-1.sql, upgrade_1-0.sql, upgrade_1-1.sql, install.php) ! Updated topics weren't sorting properly. (Recent.php) ! Search no longer requires administrator action to fix "CREATE TEMPORARY" problems. (Search.php) ! Tags should be disabled more cleanly. (Subs.php) ! Sticky and notify didn't properly default when previewing a new topic. (Post.php) ! You can now register with parts of your birthdate. (Register.php) ! Significantly optimized "show new replies to your posts" by cheating :P. (Recent.php) ! The package manager didn't handle missing files well. (Packages.php) & $txt['pswd4'] was talking about things that didn't really happen. (loginout help files, Profile language files) ! To avoid confusion, allow default_options for registration too, same as options. (Register.php) ! Fixed email and FTP autolinking too, ugh... (Subs.php) ! If you got an error on the theme profile page, it didn't remember post data well. (Profile.php) ! The 'send_welcomeEmail' didn't matter; it always did this. (Register.php) ! Messed with a lot of // !!! comments. (various files) ! You can now use variables in the subjects of mass emails. (ManageMembers.php) ! Fixed more autolinking issues with [email=...]... (Subs.php) & $txt['permissionname_move'] was slightly confusing. (ManagePermissions langauge files) ! Fixed attachments with quotes and spaces in them. (Post.php, Display.php, ManageSmileys.php) ! Optimized a few membergroup queries. (Memberlist.php, SSI.php, BoardIndex.php, Subs-Post.php, Who.php, Modlog.php) ! SSI.php was not using the correct ID_GROUP for online status. (SSI.php) & Added help text for the smiley center. (ManageSmileys langauge files) * Used the above text in many places. (ManageSmileys template) ! Updated server list. (server.list) September 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Slightly better error handling to do with temporary tables and searching. (Search.php) ! Activation check was preventing email change from going through properly. (Register.php) ! Insert quote feature now supports tabs, MSIE and Mozilla. (Post.php) ! Removed an "extra" Successful in upgrade... (upgrade.php) ! Minor typo in upgrade was making attachment size column not get fixed. (upgrade.php) * Added delete_selected.gif image to classic. (delete_selected.gif, Display template) * Cleaned up im_new.gif so it looks better cleaner. (im_new.gif) * Updated javascript information urls - old ones still work. (Admin template, Packages template, ManageSmileys template, Themes template) ! I can only assume that this is regressing the profile_remote_avatar upgrade bug. (upgrade.php) & Added $txt['mark_unread_confirm'] to confirm mark unread. (index language file) * Added delete_selected.gif to the classic theme and made it use it. (Display template) ! If a member has a smiley set that doesn't exist, use the default. (Load.php) ! Removed $modSettings['search_max_cached_results'] as it was too confusing, and not useful enough (Search.php, ModSettings.php, Help language files, ModSettings language files, smf_1-0.sql, upgrade.php) + Added an option to disable the use of temporary tables (Search.php, ModSettings, Help language files, ModSettings language files, smf_1-0.sql, upgrade.php) & Added an error message just in case temporary tables cannot be created. (Error language files, Search.php) & Added an error message when you access SSI.php by URL directly. (SSI.php, index language files) ! Attachments can now have foreign (localizable) characters in their names when "encrypt filenames" is on. (Post.php, ManageAttachments.php, Subs.php, Subs-Graphics.php, Profile.php, Display.php) & Bad attachments now give a 404 and a slightly better error message. (Errors language file, Display.php) ! The upgrader now includes all settings from YaBB SE, just to facilitate best conversion. (upgrade.php) + Changed option guest_hideEmail to guest_hideContacts, which now hides messenger information from guests too when enabled. (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql, ModSettings.php, Load.php, Memberlist.php) & Changed two language entries to accommodate the above change. (Help language files, ModSettings language files) ! Optimized a query or two and cleaned up some comments. (various files) ! Topics started, boards, views, and replies are no longer counted for posts in the recycle bin. (Stats.php) * Added a minor comment to the index template's key stats box. (index template) * Added mark unread functionality. (Display template, MessageIndex template) ! Don't waste time censoring things when the censor list is empty. (Load.php) ! Don't censor message previews twice for the same message. (Recent.php, MessageIndex.php) ! Clip message previews before censoring - thanks Elissen. (Recent.php, MessageIndex.php) ! Template errors are now shown with more correct error messages whether templates are eval()'d or not. (Load.php, Errors.php) ! Notifications on topic removal should work again. (Subs-Boards.php, RemoveTopic.php) ! The "a new member has registered" emails had extra line breaks in them. (Register.php) & Made it clearer that who_view was only for Who's Online. (ManagePermissions langauge files) ! An extra break was being sent with moderator reports. (SendTopic.php) ! The showPosts section was linking to the end of the topic, not the right post. (Profile.php) * Removed board-level mark unread. (MessageIndex template) & Removed mark_unread_confirm because it's no longer needed/used. (index language file) ! Fixed calendar updating again. (SSI.php, BoardIndex.php) ! Fixed an issue in the vBulletin 3 converter with birthdays. (vbulletin3_to_smf.php) ! Removed some unnecessary table joins. (Search.php) ! Fixed a bug in color parsing for topic printing, and a couple minor code issues. (Printpage.php, Subs.php) ! Fixed a small issue with updating the latest registered member when there were none. (Subs.php) ! Ignore bad smiley set directories while searching. (ManageSmileys.php) ! Fixed a small issue with avatar saving. (Profile.php, Subs-Graphics.php) ! The return to post feature wasn't persisting on preview. (Post.php) ! Removed some unused settings - no visual difference. (Admin.php) ! Don't permanently dump big avatars unless the "refuse it" option is used. (Load.php) ! Attachment manager wasn't passing permissions properly for attachment download. (ManageAttachments.php) ! Minor tweaks to the "new username/password" email. (Subs-Auth.php) ! Updated smf_api.php with more functions, such as smf_formatTime and smf_allowedTo. (smf_api.php) ! Database dumps should provide column information for the INSERTs. (DumpDatabase.php) ! The smf_api.php file now provides access to the SMF session too, when used in the database. (smf_api.php) & Made $txt['notifyXOnce1'] read about 8 times better - imho. (Profile langauge file) ! Links might be autolinked inside [url=...]...[/url] which would cause weird code display. (Subs.php) ! Fixed a few minor issues/potential issues in profile viewing and editing. (Profile.php) * The smileys popup is now user-resizable. (Post template) * Announcement countdown wasn't working exactly right. (ManageMembers template) ! Announcement needs to go back to the user's langauge after partial sending. (Post.php) ! Bumped announcement chunk size up just a wee bit... 50 -> 75. (Post.php) & Translated a few strings in the package manager and finished some documentation. (Subs-Package.php, Packages langauge files) ! Contextual data should be provided for the avatar's href when it's uploaded. (Load.php) ! URL autolinking could cause a stack overflow on very very long URLs. (Subs.php) ! Get rid of the poll_choices error when upgrading twice. (upgrade.php) ! Use [:alpha:] instead of A-Za-z etc. where possible, to solve localization problems even if it's ugly. (Subs-Post.php, upgrade.php, Subs.php) ! Updated version numbers from RC1+ to RC2 in preparation for release soon. (all files) ! Don't allow automatic package download of any package without session check. (PackageGet.php) ! If a package no longer exists (404, etc.) don't show any errors from PHP. (PackageGet.php) * Made several things work with the "latest" stuff. (ManageSmileys template, Subs-Package.php, PackageGet.php) & Fixed punctuation on $txt['number_recent_posts']. (Themes langauge file) ! Creating a file on error should be optional when parsing modifications. (modification.dtd, Subs-Package.php) ! Splitting a topic should mark the topic read for the user, because they split it. (SplitTopic.php) & Error message should be shown when PHP is not compiled with MySQL support. (install.php, Install langauge files) ! If you use a form in the news, show
in the preview. (Admin.php) ! Added readmes for installation, upgrade, and update. (readme_install.html, readme_upgrade.html, readme_update.html) ! Activation from the profile plumb wasn't working. (Profile.php) ! The invision converter wasn't doing birthdates and wasn't parsing signatures properly. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php) & Changed "Minutes to login" to "Minutes to stay logged in" because it sounds better. (index language files) * Tweaked the Reminder template slightly to look markedly better. (Reminder template) ! Various tweaks to help files. (all files in help/) ! Removed or resolved a good number of // !!! comments. (various files) ! Avoid calling exit; if at all possible for integration, e.g. Mambo. (Subs.php, index.php) ! Printpage wasn't parsing quotes correctly at all. (Printpage.php) ! By default, the karma_edit permission should be allowed. (smf_1-0.sql) ! Updated some problems in the Burning Board converter. (burningboard_to_smf.php) ! Invision converter now works properly, thanks Hal9000. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php) & Updated $helptxt['karmaMode'], $helptxt['enableStickyTopics'], $helptxt['cal_enabled'], $helptxt['avatar_allow_external_url'], and $helptxt['pollMode'] to talk about permissions. (Help language file) ! Consecutive [url=] tags were getting linked together. (Subs.php) ! Sigh, now email links work okay when in [email] tags too. (Subs.php) * Replying with quick reply, with "auto notify" off, turned off notifications. (Display template) ! RSS was saying it was version 0.91, it was actually 0.92. (News.php) * Smiley popup would open multiple times without closing itself. (Post template) ! RSS feeds were being sent with the wrong doctype, and an improper character set. (News.php) * Added something to stop Firefox (hopefully) from following previous/next links automatically. (index template) ! You weren't able to add smileys with different case than other smileys. (ManageSmileys.php) ! Tweaked the column size of ID_PM to 10 instead of 11. (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql) ! When marking unread, mark the page you were on unread, not the whole topic. (Subs-Boards.php) ! The ssi_boardNews() function should give the topic ids too. (SSI.php) ! Upgrade wasn't working on MySQL 3. (upgrade.php) ! Send emails with mime-encoded subjects. (Subs-Post.php) * Changed the stylesheet link to style.css to include ?rc2. (index template) ! Printing links in lists didn't always seem to work. (Printpage.php) ! In some cases, dumping the database would generate errors for empty tables. (DumpDatabase.php) ! Typo in upgrade.php was causing a minor notice. (upgrade.php) * Editing a group's name that had html in it caused an error. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template) ! Missing error message for a blank password - Login wasn't loaded. (Reminder.php) * You can now edit category names with html in them properly. (ManageBoards.php, ManageBoards template) * The "category name" and "(modify)" are now separate links. (ManageBoards template) * Administration "quick tasks" section had an extra row. (Admin.php, Admin template) August 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Allowed elements, e.g.
, before email addresses that are automatically linked. Let's hope this doesn't backfire. (Subs.php) ! Now, a "special" redirect is used on just the post page to make the return to topic option work properly. (Post.php, Subs.php) ! After calls to "setLoginCookie" the same special redirect is now used. (Register.php, Profile.php, LogInOut.php) ! Backed up language files (index.language.php~) are no longer treated like actual language files. (Admin.php, Profile.php) & Removed $txt['membergroupss_min_posts'] because it wasn't being used and was misspelled anyway. (ManageMembers langauge files) & Added $txt['membergroups_postgroups'] to fix an untranslated (hardcoded) string. (ManageMembers language files) * Removed some hardcoded text ("Post groups") and put in a language string instead. (ManageMembers template) ! As an administrator, registering a new member should use the guest theme options not your own. (Register.php) ! To ease misunderstandings, the upgrader now specifies that it converts the existing *YaBB SE* template. (upgrade.php) ! Moved the place database errors are marked in the database so that two people accessing it at once won't cause a race condition. (Errors.php) ! Fixed a case where profile theme options might not be saved properly. (Profile.php) ! Now, if you're using Opera, quoting a post with "insert quote" won't show "s, although it still has i18n problems. (Post.php) ! Added $context['server'] array for very basic information about the server. (Load.php) ! Now, for using refresh instead of location, $context['server']['needs_login_fix'] is used along with $context['browser']. (Post.php, Profile.php, LogInOut.php, Register.php) ! The Queryless URLs function now uses $context['server']. (QueryString.php) ! Added a session check to registration to make it more difficult to register large numbers of accounts in sequence. (Register.php) ! SSI.php now always returns a value, true or false, which represents whether it could load or not. (SSI.php) ! Changed the way duplicate events were handled in SSI.php minorly, although it shouldn't make a difference. (SSI.php, BoardIndex.php) ! Now, ssi_recentEvents no longer shows duplicate events. Man I'm think headed. (SSI.php) ! Fixed a few coding conventions problems like spaces missing after, or present before, commas. (numerous files and templates - unimportant changes) * You can now use smileys with quotes in their description in the smiley popup... (Subs-Post.php, Post template) ! If you used spaces in the disabled bbc list, it would not work properly. (Post.php) * Due to a typographical error, bbc tags were not being properly disabled all of the time. (Subs.php, Post template) ! Updated version numbers to 1.0 RC1+ to avoid release confusion. (all files) + Split permission moderate_forum into moderate_forum (search/delete/track members, track IP, register center, reserved names), manage_membergroups (manage/assign membergroups) and manage_bans. (several files) + Split permission admin_forum into admin_forum (package management, mod/server/theme settings, maintenance, error/mod logs) and manage_permissions. (several files) + Split permission edit_forum into edit_forum (attachments, smileys, censored words, registration agreement) and manage_boards (manage boards and categories.) (several files) ! Split permission group 'Forum administration' into 'Forum administration' and 'Member administration'. (several files) ! Fixed bug clearing the admin membergroup when changing someone's membergroup settings having only moderate_forum permission. (Profile.php) ! Fixed language and 'hide email' setting not changeable without profile_extra permission. (Profile.php) ! 'View/Delete members' doesn't allow deleting members anymore without the profile_remove_any permission. (ManageMembers template) ! 'Edit censored words' and 'edit registration agreement' now requires moderate_forum instead of edit_forum permission. (Admin.php, ManageMembers.php, Subs.php) ! Dissolved edit_forum permission into manage_smileys and manage_attachments. (several files) ! Fixed hide user online showing in MessageIndex and Display. (MessageIndex.php, Display.php) ! isAllowedTo() now accepts arrays of permissions. (Security.php) + Added board permission announce_topic replacing announcement boards. (several files) + Added announcement of topics allowing to select membergroups and sending in batches. (Post.php) ! For polls, moderator locks now override member locks, but administrator's locks do not override those of moderators. (Poll.php) ! Double posting shouldn't cause problems if the session hasn't even been initialized properly yet. (Security.php) ! Even if Ungrouped Members have permission to moderate_forum, do not send new member notifications to them. (Register.php) * Previously, if you didn't allow people to hide their emails, but you hid emails from guests, the emails would not be hidden - fixed. (Load.php, Profile template, InstantMessage template, Display template) ! If you set the default theme to Default, and then disallowed people from selecting default but allowed them to select other themes, an error was shown. (Themes.php) ! Don't email members who have been DENIED the moderate_forum permission when members register. (Register.php) ! Emails meant to be sent in html were not being sent with the correct Content-Type. (Subs-Post.php) & Removed $txt['whoadmin_ban2'] because the action is no longer being used. (Who language file) * Removed the "notify_announcements" section. (ManageBoards template) ! Streamlined the server_parse() function and made it take a parameter for the message to send. Notably, this allows for better error handling. (Subs-Post.php) ! Attachment size should round up, not say "0" if there are more than 0 bytes in the file. (Display.php) ! Fixed a mistake in the package manager which made xml style modifications not work. (Subs-Package.php) ! Depending on your server configuration, sometimes $_GET was keeping its slashes. (QueryString.php) * Fixed a small bit of invalid html in the spellcheck sub template. (Post template) ! Gave some more contextual information to the Post template - $context['is_new_topic'], $context['is_new_post'], $context['is_first_post']. (Post.php) ! Changed a small unimportant piece of javascript to look nicer. (upgrade.php, all converters.) ! Using move or announce in conjunction with go back to topic did not mark the board properly read. (Post.php) ! The installer could not be used again on an already installed forum to refresh things. (install.php) ! Fixed a potential issue in the way the messages table was initially created. (smf_1-0.sql) & Added $txt['user_refresh_install'] and $txt['user_refresh_install_desc']. (Install language files) ! Posted guest names and emails are now always trimmed and verified. (Post.php) ! In some cases, deleting a member might not remove them from being the latest member. (ManageMembers.php) * Detailed version checker did not work with the default theme. (Admin template) * Code blocks now show in Safari properly... though, the code isn't pretty. (index template) * Added $context['browser']['is_mac_ie'] and made it the code block fix code work on it too. (Load.php, index template) ! The query to reset options has now been broken up into many smaller queries.... it's more queries, but it's not a humungous query anymore. (Themes.php) ! Fixed a small possible error if someone was looking for trouble. (InstantMessage.php) ! Fixed a typo which was causing "topics and posts" deletion when deleting a member not to work. (Profile.php) % Branched development on the CVS respository here. (all files, no changes) ! Fixed a typo in member specific theme options. (Theme.php) ! You were not allowed to change a member's username to either its current value or their realName. (Subs-Auth.php) ! If you send a topic, and don't provide a comment, it shouldn't send "and the comment:" in the email. (SendTopic.php) ! Listing members from a membergroup based on posts did not include pages properly. (ManageMembers.php) ! Archive extracting routines didn't make destination directories. (Subs-Package.php) ! Improved spellchecker highlighting of "abcd abc" and similar. (Subs-Post.php) ! You couldn't always use apostrophes in your email address. (Post.php, Register.php, Profile.php, Security.php) ! If you can delete any posts on a board, it shouldn't matter if it's your own or a reply. (RemoveTopic.php) ! The phpBB converter should convert \n ->
and " -> ". (phpbb2_to_smf.php) ! Fixed expand/collapse modSettings not working on IE with META refresh enabled. (Subs.php) ! The Invision converters didn't do [list] properly. (invision_to_smf.php, invision2_to_smf.php) ! Apparently, Opera can actually do innerText - fixed "quotefast" internationalization. (Post.php) ! Internationalized characters not in the current character set were not being highlighted properly by search. (Search.php) ! The upgrader couldn't handle moderators with ' in their name - or queries :P. (upgrade.php) ! Editing the theme template and style sheet no longer switches to that theme. (Themes.php, Themes template) ! Fixed bug in ID_TOPIC repair tool. (repair_ID_TOPIC.php) + When viewing members in a group you can now sort by column, and added extra information to the template. (ManageMembers.php, ManageMembers template) ! Typographical error was causing, in some cases, permissions not to be calculated correctly. (RemoveTopic.php) ! The am/pm indicators were displayed inconsistently with the Today "mod" enabled. (Subs.php) ! Creating a new post group didn't resync the post groups of members. (ManageMembers.php) ! Ignore list conversion now cleans out apostrophes. (upgrade.php) ! Don't make any change to the registration date if they didn't change it. (Profile.php) ! Rolled back a major spot of idiocy in calendar checking. (BoardIndex.php, SSI.php) ! Editing a post made by a guest, previous to when they became a member, should not throw a reserved name error. (Post.php) ! Admin registration wasn't always working properly. (Register.php) ! Fixed a minor issue with IP detection. (QueryString.php) ! Shadow tags weren't allowing other tags to apply within them. (Subs.php) ! Shadow and glow didn't take fonts outside of them, now they do in *certain good browsers*. (Subs.php) ! If you changed your email before activating, you might be able to get past a ban. (Register.php) * Now, when a file is not writable (index template or style.css) it warns you of this fact. (Themes.php, Themes template) & Added the language entries necessary for this change. (Themes language file) ! You can now use &, (, ), and several other characters in avatar filenames and category names. (Profile.php, Load.php, Subs.php) ! Added option to copy board permissions from one board to another on a group by group basis. (ManagePermissions.php, ManagePermissions template) & Added $txt['permissions_copy_from_board'] and $txt['permissions_select_board']. (ManagePermissions language file) ! Fixed typo in upgrade preventing boardOrder column to be changed. (upgrade.php) ! Adjusted the SSI whosOnline to be consistent with the way the online list is shown on the board index. (SSI.php) * Fixed some bad paths to package_installed.gif and package_old.gif. (Packages template) ! You can't make backups of files that don't exist, I guess :P. (Subs-Package.php) * Fixed the document.postmodify.attachmentPreview.value javascript error. (Post template) ! Fixed a dumb and annoying typo that mainly affects debugging. (index.php, SSI.php) ! Moderation log was reversing sort in cases when you deleted any. (Modlog.php) ! Updated phpBB converter to do more avatars and group conversion - thanks packman. (phpbb2_to_smf.php) & Cleaned up mark unread and made it usable; added a string too. (Subs-Boards.php, index language files) * Added images for mark unread. (markunread.gif) ! Fixed a minor typo with the package manager; minor but it was causing big problems. (Subs-Package.php) ! Various coding convention updates. (various files) ! Fixed a hardcoded string - N/A. (ManageAttachments.php) ! The package manager should assume a link absolute if it starts with http://. (PackageGet.php) SMF 1.0 RC1 August 10, 2004 ================================================================================ August 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + repair_settings.php now checks that Settings.php is writable. (tools/repair_settings.php) * Packages now only show links to install if they are install-able. (Packages.php, Packages template) & You can no longer access ?action=activate when activation is not available, nor is the "Did you miss your activation email? link shown. (Subs.php, Register.php, index language files) * Added class="signature" to where ever signatures are displayed to ease stylesheeting. (Display template, Profile template, InstantMessage template) * Migrated a few remaining colors from index.template.php to style.css in the default theme. (index.template.php, style.css) * Tried to add better documentation in the style.css file under the default theme. (style.css) ! Updated version numbers to SMF 1.0 RC1 in preparation for release. (all files) ! Upgrade no longer clears the moderation log, just for David. (upgrade.php) ! Fixed typo that made quotefast functionality not work with "s. (Post.php) ! Mozilla now does entities properly with quotefast ;). (Post.php) ! Now, if someone replies while you were reading you still get the subject line. (Post.php) * Changed the stylesheet link to style.css to include ?rc1. (index template) ! Profile now erases default options from any/all themes. (Profile.php) ! The IP icon was not being shown properly to guests. (Display template) ! The IP detection routine no longer allows "forwarded for", etc. (QueryString.php) ! Fixed a problem with new reply notification. (Post.php) ! When removing ones vote from a poll, and one has not voted, nothing should be done at all. (Poll.php) & Changed the English error messages "Username does not exist" and "Password field is empty" to read better. (index and Login language files) * Registering a member from the Admin interface should hide the password with ***s. (Register template) ! The "Require user to activate the account" checkbox in the admin registration interface did not work. (Register.php) ! Released RC1 to Charter Members. (xml/latest-news.js) * Made a small update to the Internet Explorer overflow fixing code. (index template) * Version checker no longer shows current version in red if it is old, and checks by greater than not compare. (Admin template) ! Upgrade was turning off persistent connections. (upgrade.php) & Changed the "Do you really want to delete your own profile?" string to use the word account. (Profile language file) ! Fixed an issue that was causing, in most cases, default theme options not to work. (Register.php) * Fixed some invalid xhtml in set theme options and settings. (Themes template) * You couldn't uncheck a default option for new members. (Themes template) ! Saved a little bit of memory by not passing something that shouldn't be passed to the template. (PackageGet.php) * Packages you cannot install from a server are no longer shown in bold. (Packages template) ! Fixed pagination error when browsing avatars in the attachments manager. (ManageAttachments.php) ! Avatar listing and management should go by ID_MEMBER not being zero, not ID_MSG being zero for mods' sake. (ManageAttachments.php) * Fixed some invalid html to do with event editing. (Post template) & Finished the dutch translation and removed unused language tag membergroups_members_all_current. (ManageMembers language file) * Fixed a minor bug in the Post template (only evaluting $context['event'] if it is set). (Post template) ! A typo was making the memberGroups upgrading code in upgrade.php run for versions it shouldn't. (upgrade.php) ! You can now list more groups per board under access rights. (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql) ! Permission keys can now be 30 characters long, which should fix a possible issue with truncated permissions. (upgrade.php, smf_1-0.sql) ! Fixed a small notice to do with seqnum that would hardly ever occur. (Security.php) ! Some hosts ban readfile for no reasons, so handle that case. (Display.php) ! Removed some commented code which was not being used, and should not be used. (Subs.php) ! Tested Burning Board converter against wBB 2 - it at least runs. (converters/burningboard_to_smf.php) ! Followed up on more "look at me later" comments. (converters/yabbse_to_smf.php, converters/xmb_to_smf.php) ! Updated just a little bit of documentation. (Admin.php) ! Fixed a small possible and minor problem in upgrade for some versions of SMF. (upgrade.php) ! Some quotes from YaBB SE weren't parsing correctly. (Subs.php) July 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Now, if you put ;board=Z on the URL for unread or unreadreplies, you will see said things only for that board. * Search now shows the board the result was in under the topic link. ! Tweaked the entity magic so that it supports more characters, hopefully this won't cause problems. ! Now, subjects are also magick'd. This should make it work better on bad character sets. ! Upped the subject length limit to 100 characters from 80. (internationalization.) ! Fixed a reserved MySQL word being used as label. & Removed some unused language tags. & Made some consistency adjustments in the dutch language files and translated all untranslated lines. * Fixed some accesskey properties for the wireless template that were missing. + Added a preview column in the news center and checkboxes for fast removal of news items. * Disallowing hide online status was not working at all because of a typo in Profile.template.php. ! Font size was wrong in the ssi_examples.shtml page. & Tweaked $txt['modlog_moderation_log_desc'] so people can see why it won't delete things. ! The require/require_once functions are faster than include/include_once - use them instead when possible. ! Subject shortening wasn't very i18n... still isn't, totally. ! MoveTopic didn't do board names with single quotes in them properly :(. + Now, when there is a parse error in a template or language file, an error message is displayed with debugging information. & Added some language entries to the index language files to show when handling this problem. ! Several fixes made the the vBulletin 3 converter. + Added "Male to Female ratio" and "Users Online Today" to the statistics page. & Two new language strings added to Stats.language.php for above change. + Added a utility function, reattributePosts, to ManageMembers.php for attributing guest posts to members. ! Fixed a bug in upgrade causing it to run indefinitely. ! When using flash, add AllowScriptAccess="never" for Flash Player 6+. ! Fixed some quote and code tag preparsing issues. ! Changed some ordering in upgrade.php so that, even if you tried to duplicate your attachments it wouldn't happen now ^_^. ! Fine, fixed the list tag a different way. ! Fixed upgrade not converting single quotes for news lines properly. ! Trying to change the PHP setting to add xHTML compatible URL separators for URLs that automatically get an added session ID (needed for SSI and template links). + Added link in attachment manager to recount file sizes. + Added avatar management to the attachment manager. & Several new language entries added to Admin.language.php for above change. + Added backend for "Reply to All" in personal messages. ! Fixed problem with previewing instant messages losing the "to" field. + New setting, number_format added, this is a string that allows the admin to choose how values are displayed in the forum. & Two new strings added to Help and ModSettings.language.php for describing the above change. + Added function, numberformat, for formatting numbers from the above setting. ! Fixed possible bug in Profile which would result in posts per day being wrong for an extreme geek. + Converters for Invision 2 and vB 3.0 now convert passwords and salt data. ! Users who have come from Invision 2 and vB 3.0 can now log in without resetting their password. + It is now possible to specify whether or not a board theme should override a users preference. & Two new languages entries added to ManageBoards.language.php to reflect above change. ! SSI function, topPoster, can now take amount of posters to return as a parameter. + If new replies are made between reading a thread and replying, a warning message is displayed. & New lanaguage strings added to Post.language.php for above change. + New function, ResetPassword, added to Subs-Auth.php for resetting password and/or username. + Admins can now change their members usernames from their profile - although this resets their password too. & New language strings added to Profile and Login language files to reflect above changes. ! Fixed some incompatibility problems with old templates, I think, and a small notice in ModSettings.php. ! Email auto-linking wasn't always working properly. * A bug in IE caused gifs to stop animating if they were clicked.... (as a link) in the Post template. * Access checkboxes shouldn't be shown for moderator/admin. * Small oddity in the Profile template under notifications. ! Cleaned up and commented some of the ftp stuff more - hopefully this still works everywhere. ! Package manager was not removing files properly. + Added setting to allow disabling of BBC tags by listing them. & Two new language strings added to Help and ModSettings language files for above change. * Post template adapted significantly to handle above change. + Viewing members from a group now has a new template, with options to easily add and remove members from said group. & Several language entries added to ManageMembers.language.php to accommodate above change. + Added ability to notify the admin team whenever a new member registers. & New language strings added to ModSettings and Login language files to reflect this addition. ! Fixed avatar download and resize option not working properly. & New langauge entry added to Packages.language.php to enable better browsing of packages. + Restyled the ban center to match the layout of other admin center screens. + Added a ban log viewer. + Added an ID_MEMBER column to the ban log. * Updated the templates in ManageMembers to reflect above changes. & Added several language tags to the ManageMembers and Errors language files. ! Added some extra checks to the is_not_banned function. ! Cannot register ban is now logged in the log_banned table. * Some javascript cleanup for the detailedversion checker, and cleanup for the latest news when offline. (Admin template) * The "im_delete.gif" image now reads "Delete All" to avoid confusion with deleting checked messages. (im_delete.gif) * Changed the placement of the delete button and made it read "Delete Selected". (InstantMessage template) ! Updated the documentation sections in many source files to sync with current functions. (Sources/*.php) ! Attempted to fix pm notifications being sent in the wrong language - needs more investigation. (Load.php) ! The "quote fast" feature now properly supports entities - but only in Internet Explorer. Support on other browsers is pending. (Post.php) ! Not showing your online status was not working because of a typo. (Profile.php) * Fixed the typo "hilight" in the spell checking javascript and Post template. (spellcheck.js, Post template) ! Made a small change to the default wording of the agreement. (agreement.txt) ! Saving a theme option for the default theme did not erase said option in the current theme, making changing your options not work. ! Who's online was showing members who choose to not be shown online, but as guests. & The IP address logged for unsuccessful admin login attempts was incorrect at times; should now be fixed. (Admin langauge files) * Spell check now scrolls to the word that changed in IE and Mozilla. (Post template, spellcheck.js) ! Typo was making full-ban reasons not display properly on registration failure. (Register.php) ! Two members online at exactly the same time might be mistakenly shown as not online. (BoardIndex.php) ! SSI.php now truncates on line breaks (
) as well as spaces. (SSI.php) ! Reduced the spam-ness of html emails sent by the forum. (Subs-Post.php, ManageMembers.php) June 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed a small issue with SendTopic.template.php's version not updating properly. ! A setting in ModSettings.php was named wrong; search_max_cache_size -> search_cache_size. * Fixed some layout problems in the Search template. (caused by old style HTML :P.) * Changed any "checkAll()" functions to calls to invertAll() from script.js. ! PHP 5 can be configured to make sessions shorter than 32 bytes... maybe longer? ! If there are no smileys in location x, you might get a small error. * Recommitted those darn icons.... stupid cvsnt is adding kb twice or not at all :(. ! [color=#......] should allow A-F too, not just numbers. ! Made it so clear text color codes can be a *little* longer. (mediumpurple, etc.) ! Fixed a typo (one missing letter!) that was causing very substantial problems on some servers. ! .htaccess wasn't working properly for Apache 1. (it wasn't even applying :/.) ! Made it so you only have to change one line to make index.php something else. ! Added emphasis to "nothing's wrong" in the conversion timeout. ! Small typo affecting downloading updated packages. ! The attachments feature no longer allows uploads with the filename ".htaccess" or "index.php". ! If encrypted filenames are on, these are allowed. + It is now possible to upload images to the Smiley center. & Many new language entries added to ManageSmileys.language.php for above change. * Smiley template cleaned up some more to make it more efficient. ! Don't show the database upgrade error message for CVS or Demo versions. * Whitespace shouldn't wrap in error log URLs. * Only show a link to the IP if they can actually click it. ! Cleaned up the permission loading in Display.php so it's a little clearer... * Emails in manage members should be clickable -> mailto:. * Added more commenting in index.template.php around the forum name stuff. ! Commas should be allowed after email addresses. ! Smileys could not be put in the first place on a row. ! Resetting everyone's theme options was redirecting to the wrong place. + You can now upload different smileys to different sets if you wish. * Javascript added to the import smileys template to improve usability. ! Resetting default theme options should override theme-specific ones. * Now, when you change another member's language it doesn't affect your own. ! Holiday titles are no longer censored, because they shouldn't be. ! Code Review: Calendar.php. (updated documentation, fixed some overly restrictive permissions checks.) ! More characters are now allowed in email addresses. ! Cleaned up the way heading and rules were handled in ModSettings.php. & Added some entries to the index langauge file - unread_topics_visit, unread_topics_visit_none, and unread_topics_all. * It's now clearer that you are seeing posts since your last visit, and there is a link to see ALL unread topics. ! Fixed a typo in SSI.php related to birthdays. ! Moved the check for double post submission down in Post for error messages. ! Added a loadAttachmentContext() function to Display.php. ! You shouldn't be able to register with the email address of someone registered. * You shouldn't get a javascript error message if you don't have the code fix on. * Added warning text under Answer: in the profile for the Secret Question. & Edited $txt['secret_desc'] and added $txt['secret_desc2'] in Profile language files. + YaBB SE converter should now convert banned members, calendar events and have an attempt at settings! ! MSIE wasn't styling ul's properly. ! Made the title for posted calendar events slightly longer. (48) ! Updated version numbers to 1.0 Beta 6+ to avoid confusion with the actual release. * Slightly improved the look of displayed poll results in Display. ! Don't show the "upgrade template.php" checkbox if it's already been upgraded. & Edited $txt[677] - explains how to create child boards ! Fixed a bug that was resulting in database sessions not being deleted. + phpBB2 converter should now convert attachments if the attachment mod was installed. + YaBBSE converter should now convert over membergroups successfully. + It is now possible to upload new packages in the package manager. & Several new language entries added to Packages.language.php and Errors.language.php for above change. & Some language entries moved from ManageSmileys.language.php to Errors.language.php. ! Inlined some element calls in the helpfiles. ! Added message body preview *information* so the templates *can* display it if they so wish to. * Took a typo back out of smf_codeFix, having reintroduced it last beta - oops. * Added inital changes for "someone posted while you were *reading*". ! Double post prevention/sequencing should no longer break old templates. Now, scripts could use this to their advantage if they bothered to keep the session *anyway*, but they don't so it doesn't matter. ! Don't allow the deletion of just any file with the package manager remove thing. & Added default_time_format to the Install language files and the installer. * Minor template change in the package manager to make links consistent. + Made a custom imagecreatefrombmp(). Needs more testing, but works in most cases. (yes, this means bitmap support for GD ;).) + Added pagination to the trackIP function, to stop hefty page loads. * Altered trackIP template to be more similar to trackUser to improve consistancy across functions. & Two new language entries added to Profile.language.php to accommodate above change. + New option added, allow_editDisplayName, to dictate whether a user may or may not edit their display name. & New language string added to ModSettings.language.php to accommodate above change. + Added a backend for repairing attachments (filesize and those deleted). * Fixed guest posting so that: guest editing guest works, admin editing guest allows name/email editing, and post errors are handled well. & Renamed poll_few to error_poll_few so poll error handling can work properly. & Removed two language strings made obselete by the above changes. ! If they preview/post with no options, give an error but make sure there are at least two boxes. ! ssi_examples.php should show the proper path, not one with mixed slashes. * Don't bother fading in fader.js if there is only one item. ! Small typo in the recent rss/xml feed stuff was making stuff inaccurate. ! Personal messages should be sent by memberName with "s. ! Installer was screwing up the indentation of Settings.php, if any. ! Fixed attachments, personal messages, and children in vBulletin 3 converter. ! All the converters were "leaving" attachments if they weren't converted - fixed. ! Added an Invision 2 converter, works for the most part, needs tweaking. & Edited one text string and added another to clearly state that admins need to enter an email address when registering new users & Edited the registration template to reflect the above language file change. ! SSI.php should just not load if it can't connect. ! The current_forum_time was without server offset as well as user offset. ! Printpage shouldn't put PHP code in a box, since Display doesn't. * Changed some spans to divs in BoardIndex and several other templates because it looks slightly nicer. * Added label elements to the additional options in Post. * Show IP address help text in the Display template ;). & Added see_admin_ip and see_member_ip to the Help language files. ! Upgrade wasn't handling news properly - should just remove one set of slashes. + Pagination added to "Who's Online" page. SMF 1.0 Beta 6 June 12, 2004 ================================================================================ June 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * When previewing a post with attachments, you are now warned you will have to reattach them. & Added attach_lose language string entry. & Changed $txt[247] to $txt['hello_member'], and $txt[248] to $txt['hello_guest']. * These two strings changed a few templates as well... + You can now use your email address to login instead of just your username. ! PNGs and JPEGs were getting two dots for avatar filenames. (avatar_1..png) * The "deliminator" index was changed to "delimiter" - a real word :P. ! Some names wouldn't work in the ignore list - namely ones with underscores. ! You *SHOULD* now be able to use any characters you want in your username - have fun! ! The "Find Members" function now quotes usernames in several places so the above can work well. ! Image resizing was sometimes messing up the aspect ratio. + Added javascript for adding poll options to New/Edit Poll screens. & New language entry added to Post.language.php for above change. ! The error generated when incorrectly attempting to answer a secret question, will now show the membername in question. & New language entry added to Profile.language.php for above change. + If you are banned from posting you will get a notice on each page telling you so, with the reason why. & New language entry, $txt['you_are_post_banned'], added to index.language.php to reflect above change. + Search now can cache results. ! Several search optimizations. + The viewNewestFirst setting has been replaced in preference to user option view_newest_first, for choosing ordering of topics. & New language string, $txt['recent_posts_at_top'], added to Profile.language.php for above change. & Old language strings for removed setting removed from modSettings.language.php and Help.language.php. ! Users who are moderating are now less affected by spamProtection(). ! Fixed minor problem with spamProtection() which would reset flood control whenever anyone logged in. ! Replaced default laugh smiley with one that is different from cheesy. ! Deleting an attachment didn't *always* work well with translated language files. * You can now preview poll editing again. ! When you preview - if there's no subject, it should use "(No subject)". ! Sometimes lists were getting blank spaces after their start. * Back to topic and move now work together in conjunction. ! Added a notice to smf_1-0.sql so people don't think they need to run it or anything. ! The percentages for a poll now add up a little better. * Show "no messages" in the error log when there are none. * Fixed some layout issues in the error_log sub template, Errors template. ! Fixed additional slashes issue with "applying filter". * Made a lot of updates to the MessageIndex template, none of which change really anything. (just cleanup.) ! Cleaned up the ugly and generated whitespace in the help files. * Changed the order of the icons in the Who template. * Banning page now offers more explanation as to the difference between a reason, and notes! & Two new language strings added to Admin.language.php for above change. ! Added sanity check to sendpm(), to protect against manually deleted entries. + New setting added which, when enabled, will stop non-administrators from hiding their online status. & New language string added to ModSettings.language.php and Help.language.php for above setting. * Settings template now has labels for all the checkboxes, so that it looks better. ! It's no longer easily possible to copy permissions from the Administrator group. + Whenever a database error is thrown, if the user is an admin, a version check is carried out, and reported if it fails. & New language string added to index.language.php for above change. ! It's now possible to tell printpage to show images - but only in the backend. & Added upshrink_description so you can tell what the button does. * Made the index template actually use the above string. * Don't show search quote section when there's no quote to be had. ! Upgrade now uses a default for time format string in case it got blanked out. ! Observe PHP's session.auto_start setting, and don't start a session if it's on. * Search templates shouldn't do highlighting themselves. * Added some basic column sorting to "Who's Online". ! Several fixes to the password reminder/activation features - particularly for forums with approval enabled. & New language strings added to the Profile and Register templates, for above changes. + Theme setting 'display_recent_bar' replaced with theme setting 'number_recent_posts', allowing the admin to specify amount of recent posts. & New language strings added to Themes.language.php to describe new setting. Old string $txt[509] removed. + YaBB SE converter should now convert over all important logs and moderators. ! deleteMembers now does some sanity checks on permissions - particularly to protect against rogue calls. ! deleteMembers now logs the deleting of a members account into the moderation log. & New string added to Admin.language.php to reflect above change. ! Updated a message in the upgrader so it makes more sense. (agreement.txt message.) ! Cleaned up a few more "Hacker?" error messages - there are not many left. ! Upgrade was not removing slashes from YaBB SE news entries. + Added bbc parsing for [acronym]s and [abbr]s just like the corresponding html elements. ! Current forum time in profile now shows with your format. ! If you're printing you want the full date; not today/yesterday. ! Printing images, by default, now shows ( ! Added D-Day, 06/06, to the calendar holidays. & Changed enableVBStyleLogin's help... changed its description, changed autoLinkUrls' description. (English only.) ! The installer now supports using ftp://hostname.tld/ as the server. ! SSI.php now always starts the session again - let's see if this still causes problems. ! Quick simplification to the [me=] bbc expression. ! The vBulletin 3 converter now does the table prefix right, but not that much else. + It's now possible to use database driven session functions. Not totally ready yet. ! Updated repair_settings.php and the installer to deal with database sessions. & Added databaseSession_enable, databaseSession_lifetime, and databaseSession_loose as settings - and their associated text. & Removed the disableCaching option since it didn't do anything at this point anyway. + Added two new user options, view_newest_pm_first and calendar_start_day, representing order of personal messages and day a week begins. & Two new language strings added to Profile.language.php for above change. ! vBulletin 3.0 converter updated to convert boards, threads, messages and polls. ! Email autolinking had become broken. ! Help files are now being cleaned by HTML Tidy after generation, so they look nicer. Related cleanup. ! Code Review: News.php. (optimized the main recent query BIG TIME, and cleaned up things into CDATAs.) * Cleaned up minor layout issues and things in many templates, and added proper versioning information. * If you type in a URL to a star image, make it at least have one image. * Happy Image Optimization Day to all, and to all a good night. * Modified the topic status icons so "sticky" is clearer. ! Several fixes and optimizations in search. ! Moved sorting from the second search screen to the first in order to accommodate search caching. * Removed sorting links in search result screen, added an option list to the main search screen. + Added a lot of search options in to a new section of the modsettings. & Added a language block to Settings, a block to Help, a block to Search and a single tag to Error. ! Fixed an issue with form sequence checking when previewing PMs. ! Censoring wasn't working perfectly with &. + You can now use \* to censor the character * instead of a wildcard. * Fixed some xhtml problems in the Display, Profile, Settings, SplitTopics, and ManageMembers templates. ! Help files no longer have the xml namespace on them. ! Some converters weren't automatically continuing properly... most, actually. * Fixed more xhtml errors in more templates, ugh. Mostly typos. (algin!?) * The script.js file, and all the templates no longer use fetchById... a better solution has been introduced. (better now than after RC...) ! Wrote up the parseModification() function... should be... actually... DONE! ! vBulletin 3.0 converter should now convert instant messages and notifications. + You can now specify default values for theme options in the theme settings. ! Guests now use the default theme options. * The Settings templates are now used only as a listing. The settings are all in Profile now. & Added some language entries to Themes for the administration interface. + You can now reset everyone's theme options to whatever you want. (example: turn on quick reply!) ! Made ID_BOARD conversion on messages a little faster. & Changed $txt['smf124'] to be a lot wordier. (attachment upload error.) ! Renamed tar_gz_file() and tar_gz_data() to read_tgz_file() and read_tgz_data(). + Added read_zip_data() which means zip file support - not just tar.gz. Yea. (still requires zlib, mind you!!) ! The package manager can now check and etc. zip files too ;). (note: they are still bigger.) ! Queryless URLs now use .html to prefix all pages. ! Clearing unimportant logs now affects log_search as well. ! If you download two versions of the same mod (same filename, at least...) it will rename the second. ! There is now backend support for showing whether packages are installable or not. (for this version of SMF...) + You can now specify what format the modification is in using package-info.xml in packages. Default is now xml. & Replaced a "Hacker?" error message in the package manager with a translatable and informative string. ! Renamed the get*Message() type functions to prepare*Context(). ! The package manager's parseModification() should now handle multiple search rules properly. * Removed all the special doctype stuff.... it was only for debugging reasons only, and did indeed help. ! Wee, updated everything to Beta 6 ;). ! I'm almost certain that sendmail doesn't like \r\n, and wants just \n. ! Optimized a whole bunch of avatars by quite a decent bit, and some of them even look better now imho. * ManageSmileys template split into more manageable chunks. + Upgrade should now be capable of converting old settings into member theme settings to options. ! The discontinued viewNewestFirst and cal_startmonday settings are now converted over in the upgrade process. + Added pagination to the ban screen and user tracking. & Ban will expire within was misleading in Admin language file - changed to "expire after". ! Upgrade now drops a few keys that some had which were unnecessary. ! Adjusted some minor aesthetics in install.php. ! Now repair_settings.php uses JavaScript to set the boxes on a click ;). ! The package manager now warns you if you can't write to the Packages directory. * Modified the Package template with a few minor additions. & Added some strings to the Package language files for these purposes. ! Package installation *MAY* now fully use FTP. Not sure, needs more testing. * Moved the following into the icons folder: online.gif, assist.gif, members.gif, calindex.gif, package_installed.gif, package_old.gif, info.gif, login_bindex.gif * Renamed icons/login_bindex.gif to icons/login.gif, icons/calindex.gif to icons/calendar.gif. ! Made a few changes to formatting and stuff; nothing that should affect anything. (sql file, a few source files, etc.) & Now the default message, topic subject, board, category, etc... is all translatable. May 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The .htaccess file now works properly on Apache 2 and Apache 1. ! Settings.php/index.php was redirecting to //install.php in some rare cases. ! Added MySQL connection error message to the installer if there was a problem. ! Installer wasn't automatically logging you in, like ever. * Package manager now respects the option to make backups or not! ! Package manager now detects when it would need to chmod files over FTP. (but it doesn't do that yet...) * Renamed the view_other and extract_other sub templates to view_package and extract_package. ! Package manager more consistently uses file_put_contents() now. * Tied checkboxes together with javascript in InstantMessage template. ! Auto submit added to all converters. ! Fixed problems with Invision converter making random members moderators and not converting sub forums correctly. ! YaBB SE converter can now convert boards/topics and messages. * Removed the ReportToModerator template and merged it with the SendTopic template. ! Removed ReportToModerator.php and merged its contents with SendTopic.php. ! Help can't work in Mozilla and produce valid xhtml at the same time, it seems. ! Under permissions for guests, only permissions a guest can use are listed. * Corrected a minor issue with lone own/any permissions in ManagePermissions. ! The package manager can now chmod files via FTP, given a password. * You can now set default values for the FTP stuff under installation options. * Added a warning when you try to delete a package that is currently installed. & Added some language entries to make sure this works internationally ;). ! The package manager now handles missing server.list files much better. * Package manager no longer lists package groups that... don't exist. & Made translatable some previously untranslatable sections of the package manager. & Added some cleaner error handling for incorrect directories - and added an error message to Errors. * Changed JavaScript usage of void(0) to returning false on events which is cleaner. ! Sending announcements on posting was not working properly with permissions. ! MoveTopic was doing the log tables in the wrong place, so they weren't working. ! InstantMessage's preview wasn't doing entities properly.... dunno why, it looked purposeful. ! Unread replies should be much faster now. ! Marking unread replies read didn't really work if queryless urls was on. ! Package manager now takes the path off files you require, etc. in package-infos. ! For ModSettings.php, you no longer have to add checkboxes to the list at the bottom. ! Calendar was not always checking permissions properly. ! MAJOR CHANGE: All Members group changed to mean Ungrouped Members only. & Changed some language entries to reflect the above change in . * Removed javascript that forces "All Members" to mean all other groups in ManageBoards. & Updated $helptxt['cal_enabled'] because it was referencing old settings. * Added check all to ManageBoards. * fetchSessionTemp image was missing from the Display templates. ! The BoardIndex now provides $context['online_groups'] for legends, etc. ! Now writelog() doesn't bother to write online log data when who is not enabled. ! Minor changes to filesystem error handling in the package manager. ! ManageBoards wasn't looking hard enough for some entities. ! Made a minor optimization to the statistics page. + After registration a new user will automatically be logged in. * Minor change to Register.template.php so the registration message looks a little nicer. ! If you are already logged in you can't go to the registration page! ! Added some extra checks into the Invision and phpBB converters. ! YaBB SE converter should now be able to convert polls and instant messages. * Changed file= to package= in links in PackageManager screens (made sense to allow the next change...) + Can now view files from the PackageManager "list files" screen. & Added some strings to the Packages language file for this purpose. ! Glow and shadow were adding extra slashes than they needed to... ! Added urldecode__recursive() for get parsing. * Put check all/remove selected/remove all at the top and bottom in Errors. ! SMTP is not a reasonable length for timeouts on the SMTP server. ! FTP links with passwords didn't work out too well. * Showing members' IPs now works on posts by the permission. ! In BBC, width now *must* come before height... you can't do [img height=y width=x] anymore. + Font size in posts is limited to a reasonable size. ! Took the margin off the list bbc because it was just confusing. ! Redid the BBC parser so it makes more sense and is easier to change... also has better restrictions. * You can now limit searches to only the topic subject. & Added an entry to the index language files for this purpose. & Moving topics now has a better message that you can customize better... includes board, etc. * Minor change to the MoveTopic template to make this possible. ! You can now use SSI.php to redirect somewhere after login/logout. ! Now repair_settings.php handles queryless URLs too. ! Replaced all the ereg's with preg_match's for speed reasons, mainly. ! It turns out vBulletin could use admin/config.php or includes/config.php. (drat, I think I tested it with the wrong version...) ! For compatibility, re-allowed board=x; in quote links. ! Changed some very typographic text in upgrade.php.... ! Typo in the XMB converter's attachment upgrading - it wouldn't do binary files right. + You can now specify your language in the URL with ?language like with themes. ! SSI.php shouldn't try to send headers if they've already been sent. * Added an option to import smileys from a directory... & Added some strings to ManageSmileys and cleaned up the confirmation string. ! Removed send_announce permission since it wasn't used anywhere anyway. ! Made the notification function a little more robust, renamed it to sendNotifications and moved it to Subs-Post.php. ! Changed error_reporting to without notices if debugging is off. ($db_show_debug.) & Removed some unused strings from the Help language files. ! Cleaned up after some "look at me later" comments. ! Attachments can now be deleted more than one at a time. * Cleaned up some of the attachment manager template. ! Started a vBulletin 3 converter - as it happens the other one was not at all compatible. ! Added / for compatibility reasons to [quote ... link=xxxxxxx]. ! Attachment Manager now allows you to sort by column. ! Added a basic Burning Board converter - may need to be updated for current version of BB. * Changed email notification option in personal messaes section of profile to a checkbox. & Changed $txt[327] in Profile.language.php to be more descriptive and removed $txt[328]. + Added option to limit total amount of attachments per post. & Added new language entries to ModSettings, Post and Errors.language.php for above changes. ! Maximum attachment size per post will now work correctly when a user edits their post. ! Default sort in attachment manager changed to date, descending, because it's more useful. ! Drastically changed the ModSettings stuff again. Now you don't have to add the setting in two places. ! The repair_settings.php script was forgetting the /images on the images url for the default. * surroundText() didn't work at the beginning of a post in Mozilla. ! Removed ssi_no_doctype in favor of ssi_layers. & Added a "no entities" note to $txt['show_personal_messages'] in index. ! Automatically linked URLs were getting the <'s linked too. ! The installer could potentially mis-write Settings.php. * The Search template did not handle having no boards well. * Tidied up post template and added a lot of comments. ! Fixed a bug that was causing the find user function not to work - at all. * Now you can see if boards or topics you have requested notification on are new in your profile. ! Messed with some of the debug stuff so it is cleaner... ! Some server configurations didn't think of ['-1'] as [-1]. & Merged in a large portion of Webby's Dutch translations... ! Added a new key to attachments to make things better and faster. * Don't show language selection unless there are other languages to select. ! Disallowing theme selection did plum didley. + Added new option to polls to allow users to change their vote on a poll. * Post, Poll and Display templates to reflect the above change. & New language entries added to index.language.php and Post.language.php files for above change. + Added the ability to set your SMTP port to any value. & New language string added to ModSettings.language.php to reflect this change. ! Added .xml to guest action whitelist so rss can work... ! XML now cleans output to get rid of the doctype. ! An index drop for back in Beta 2.5 was causing upgrade to be much slower than it needed to be - and it's not *necessary*. Removed. ! Optimized a query in the upgrade script. + 'show permission' in the profile screen now shows all permissions and membergroups at once. & Changed showPermissions_* tags in the Profile language file. * Fixed the jump box in the 'show permission' profile screen (xhtml issue and session ID not properly passed). * Split up the 'show permission' screen into a general permission part and a board specific permission part. + Statistics can now be expanded. * Changed the Stats template to show contract/expand for months. ! Added rmdir() and mkdir() to the ftp in Subs-Package.php. * Fixed a small layout problem with the Display template in the default theme under Safari. ! Fixed bug in all converters resulting in statistics not being correct. + Added converting of smiley data to the phpBB, invision and XMB converters. ! All converters now correctly setup board access for membergroups. + Deleting a category will now give you the option of moving any boards within to another category before deletion. & Several language entries added to ManageBoards.language.php to accommodate above change. * New template added to ManageBoards.template.php for above change. + Added a theme option so that administrators can hide post groups of members who are already assigned a "real" group. & Two language strings added to Themes.language.php to reflect above change. ! vBulletin converters now also convert smileys. ! All converters now properly support "weird" database names. + Session timeout are now considered a post error, so nothing should be lost. & checkSession() can now return an error, instead of calling fatal_lang_error(). * Added texts to explain the post error. & Added a block of error_* tags to the post language file. + Javascript is now used to show extra attachments boxes in the default theme; but only as many as you can post. * The Post template has been updated with these changes and made it handle the permissions better. & Added two language entries to the language files for this purpose. ! Fixed minor bug with invision converter failing on boards with sub boards. ! Fixed bug with quick moderation which resulting in topic counts being deducted twice. ! Fixed bug which resulted in moderation logging not occuring consistently when removing posts/topics. ! Help sub-directory of images removed and help image (helplogo.gif) added to images directory. * All help files updated to reflect above change. ! Page links in the attachments manager were incorrect. + You can now add ;all to unread to not show "since last visit"... no inteface yet. * The option to delete current attachments was lost after previewing a post. & Strings 562 and 561 updated to sound crisper and cleaner, removed DATE which was often incorrect and not needed anyway. ! The value of viewNewestFirst was conflicting badly with personal message defaults. & Added a description for membergroups and postgroups in the "Edit Membergroups" screen. ! Fixed some minor bugs in the view permission profile screen. + Sending a PM that has a timed out session no longer redirects to a fatal_error. * Error message is now shown when something goes wrong sending a PM. ! Make a distinction between 'to' and 'bcc' for error 'pm recipients not found'. & Moved error tags from Post lanugage file to Error language file. ! PM send report now shows all users that successfully received the PM. & $txt['pm_successfully_sent'] changed to show individual recipients. ! Fixed wrong formatted post data that is passed by the admin login session validation. + Added session timeout protection in the template editor. ! Fixed bug which meant search was not correctly sorting by date. ! Fixed bug which would result in moderation logging errors when deleting topics. ! Fixed bug in markBoardsRead which would cause an issue if not passing it an array. + Restyled Smiley admin center. & Changed and added several tags to ManageSmileys language files. & Added some smiley_* tags to the error language files. ! added modSettings for absolute path to the smileys dir ('smileys_dir'). + Smileys can now be put in a popup. * Changed the structure of $context['smileys'] for the Post interface. & Added more_smileys* tags to the Post language file. ! The calendar wasn't showing events, birthdays, etc. on the last day of the month. * Made some asthetic changes to the smileys interface on the post page. & New language entry added to Post.language.php to accommodate above change. + A new child board will now automatically take its parents permissions. ! Subdomain independent cookies were not working with domains with no subdomain or with, etc. ! Now, ssi_login() does nothing if you are not a guest. ! Upgrade now does some cleanup for the memberGroups column. ! Fixed errors you would get if you went to post2 directly - although you shouldn't do that. * Attachment preview warning now works properly again. * If you attach something and then hit preview/get an error, additional options will be expanded. & Updated $txt['attach_preview'] so it makes more sense with the new functionality. * Fixed it so auto-focus for login works in new builds of Firefox. ! Fixed some bad links in the help files. (weren't internationalized...) * Importing smileys into an existing set is no longer an option, but instead a link. ! You can only import smileys if there are actually any in the directory that are not already installed. & Several new language strings added to ManageSmileys.language.php for above changes. + Added warning message to indicate if new replies have been made when posting to a thread. & New entry, enableNewReplyWarning, added to Help and ModSettings language files for option text for above change. & Two new entries added to the Post.language.php files for the errors messages for above change. ! Changed karmaWaitTime so that it is treated as a float - so 0.5 means half an hour. ! Calendar events should not be duplicated, but should show the first next spanned event. ! The "Visit Simple Machines!" string in the help files was not translatable. + Added file repair_ID_TOPIC.php, for resorting topic IDs. ! Fixed some minor bugs in repair_ID_MSG.php. ! Double submission prevention of forms is now handled by the session AND JavaScript (especially wireless devices need this.) * Added an extra hidden field seqnum to several post forms. & Added an error message in the error language file for duplicate form submission. * Added a wireless post icon for posts sent from a wireless device. ! Corrected a little design error with showPermissions. (border) ! Hopefully install.php not being writable will be okay... more people will have to delete it manually. & Added language entries to index for notifications of non-reply events. + You are now notified when topics you have set for notifications are stickied, locked, removed, split, merged, etc. ! Theme conversion was not always working on windows servers. April 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- & The word "offline" was spelled wrong in onlineEnable in the ModSettings language file. ! The url_image_size() function now handles 500 errors as well... ! 'disableHostnameLookup' wasn't saving in ModSettings.php. * The boardseen's in Recent.template.php were supposed to be topicseen. & Minor grammatical errors in the Profile language files. ! Invision converter wasn't doing avatars properly. & Calendar was misspelled in ModSettings and Help sometimes as "Calender". ! Help for profiles updated for the new look, at least mostly. ! If you are not the poster, you no longer get the courtesy editing time. * Now daily statistics are considered a "detailed" thing you can view by clicking a link; this makes the stats page significantly shorter, and makes it look better generally. & Added a "more detailed" link to the Stats language files. ! Minor notice if you didn't enter a code to set your password. ! Installer's FTP now works properly on PHP 4.1.x. & Added a listing to the installer for files that need to be made writable. ! Installer no longer deletes the Install language files. ! The default path for the FTP part of the installer was wrong usually. ! The installer can now more reliably delete itself, even with nobody servers. * Added a "credits" section to the admin, and to the Admin template. & Added language entries for the new page. (not done yet!!) * Corrected Classic's link to catbg.gif in style.css. ! Don't log unable to load errors in the error log for the spell checker... there's nothing that can be done! ! Put the "Forum Configuration" menu above the "Member Controls" menu. ! Updated ICQ link to,,,00.html?Uin=(id). * Temporary "quicker" admin interface for some things, not final. ! Don't bother with .fromXXXXXXX if there are no replies to the topic anyway on the message index. * Solved td and tr bbc image discrepencies... again. & Added a setting to use META refresh redirects instead of HTTP ones. ! Updated version numbers to "1.0 Beta 5+" to avoid confusion. ! Upgrade now checks the version of the index language file too. ! Now, if arg_separator.input includes ; there will be a small speed boost ;). ! Backed out is_writable check on session.save_path. ! Some MySQL servers didn't like the backup method exactly... it should be working now. ! Posting wasn't checking the lock_own permission exactly right. ! Some PHP versions don't seem to like references... ! Some calendar functions weren't affecting $context properly in SSI.php. ! If upgrade does 2000 messages at a time it doesn't need to sort by ID_BOARD... (filesort anyway!) ! It seems some hosts disallow the set_magic_quotes_runtime() and version_compare() functions. ! Added an .htaccess file to be used with Apache; includes many optimizations and security settings. & Cleaned up quick task list in admin and made it respect permissions. SMF 1.0 Beta 5 Public April 26, 2004 ================================================================================ April 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added some breaks to the edit news screen so Opera can understand it properly. ! Was missing some debugging information in Security.php.. ! In PHP, 0 == '+' evaluates to true... which was causing problems in updateMemberData(). & There's only one i in Uninistall :P. ! Attachments and uploaded avatars should work in more buggy versions of browsers.. & Added (in a new window) to show_personal_messages in the index language files. ! You would get an error sometimes if you created a new group and didn't specify access... * Fixed a small problem with the admin announcements... didn't look good is all... ! Package Manager linked to "pre" instead of "install" after downloading a package. ! Code review: Help.php. (cleaned some comments up, etc.) ! Printpage now handles general tag parsing much better, faster, and cleaner. ! Clarified the \n and
discrepencies in doUBBC() and parsecode(). ! Fixed a potential issue in statistics keeping... * Removed remaining db_debug_junk_temp() calls from the index templates. & Changed aditional_membergroups to additional_membergroups in the Profile language files, and added additional_groups_show. * If you had a lot of groups, the profile was way long - now the additional groups are not listed until you need them. * Moved avatar preview in profile and made it look better imho, and certainly so in 800x600. * Moved posts to account settings, made karma use javascript to always have a correct total ;). * Took out the "Personal Settings" section completely and merged things accordingly. & Removed the now unnecessary $txt['theme2u'] and $txt['personal'] from Profile. & Renamed all the profile sections to be "friendlier". & Added specific information for each section, and removed $txt[698] - in the Profile language files. ! Fixed bug where creating a new board was dying horribly if you didn't need to add access to specific boards. ! The installer wasn't always output buffering everything. & The ftp_path_info from the Install language files wasn't being used properly. * Profile and post signature text size were different. * Deny permissions were "dissapearing". * You can now see the height, width, and file size of attached files. ! Package Manager should work around issues with broken package lists. ! SSI was sending a doctype as well. ! ModSettings.php now handles missing settings MUCH better, so you don't need queries or anything for mods. & Added a disableHostnameLookup option and various related language strings. & Removed $txt['smf313'] from ModSettings language files and took out the "extended" type which was just fluff anyway. ! Should no longer be using superfluous (e.g. marked by wastefulness :P.) obExit()'s. ! Converters were using ; instead of & for "incomplete" steps. & Added permissions_deny_dangerous to the ManagePermissions language files. * Now a warning is given when you are denying permissions, and the interface is a little easier to navigate - I think. & Now if max_messageLength is set to 0, it means no max. Changed the label to make this clear. & Removed $txt[57], $txt['smf116'], $txt['calendar32'], $txt['calendar49'], and $txt['smf104'] from ModSettings. & Totally reorganized the ModSettings language files so they actually make some amount of sense... split smf69 into three parts. ! Sometimes the features and options page wouldn't collapse certain areas, caused by an IE bug. Workaround made. & Renamed some strings in Help, Admin, and ModSettings as well to simplify adding settings to ModSettings.php. ! Updated version to SMF 1.0 Beta 5 Public in preparation of release. * Now using the "delete_selected" button, but only for the Default theme since the others are missing. ! matchPackageVersion() now trims whitespace. ! You can now use reverse="true" on modifications to parse them backwards for uninstallation. & Added new "easy" time format for using the forum default, changed "Ban User" to "Ban this user". ! Removed my testing address from the package server list... ! Package Manager options won't save the FTP stuff right now, I haven't decided on it. ! Added contextual information for the darn group color. & Moved previous/next into the language files from the settings table for i18n. * Added fetchSession magic to the Display/Quick Reply stuff. * Fixed wordwrapping in the most time online section of Stats. ! Now, in most cases, if the user gets an error they won't be logged as doing x. * The preview in Post now overflows properly in Internet Explorer ;). ! Took out description of wildcards in searching help at least for now. SMF 1.0 Beta 5 April 21, 2004 ================================================================================ April 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Session URL rewriting was broken for the wrong versions of PHP :P. ! Added file_put_contents() to Subs-Package.php ! Added some as-yet unused options to the package manager for FTP and backups. + The installer can now chmod files using FTP so they can be written to. & Added Install language files for the new installer. ! The installer is now almost totally i18n friendly - just have to clean up some of the settings table and holidays. ! The installer looks a bunch nicer now, but doesn't support ya anymore. ! There's now an option in the installer for output compression. ! The sql file can now have {$boarddir} and {$boardurl} in it. & Manually migrated changes to old language files to Spanish ones, not all though. (too many...) ! Regorganized default Settings.php so that it makes more logical sense, with better comments. ! The MAJOR SECURITY RISK now looks much more annoying ;). ! Turn off the moderation log on new installs. ! The installer allowed a blank database name, which was bad for sure. + It's now possible, in theory, to mark boards as unread. + Added unread topics a simple and easy way that works ;). ! Logs for topics and boards are assumed to be exclusive and should be kept clean. (topics takes precendence now!) * The MySQL, PHP, and W3C links now all open in new windows. ! Pruning topics no longer sends them to the recycle bin. ! Typo in image resizing code would not resize some images properly. ! Notifications can now be sent by post group access too... * Put a dumb limit on post groups so they won't show for admins until 100 posts. ! When you post a reply, uncache the last viewed topic so it can be "viewed" again. ! Reviewed the phpBB2 converter and redid its layout, etc. ! Registration disabled, activation and approval settings all merged into one setting. & New language entries added to ModSettings.language.php and Help.language.php to reflect this. ! Password is now emailed to new members regardless of whether the admin must approve the account. & New language entry, $txt['approval_email'], added to Login.language.php to reflect this change. ! Registration center will now allow admin to look at remaining unactivated/approved accounts after the settings have been disabled. + Find Members option added to pm preferences section of users profile. ! Fixed a bug in Subs-Package, related to file_put_contents. * Cleaned up some admin templates so they all do the help the same way. & Installer now tells you to, and how to, get to the admin center. ! Upgrade wasn't working well with groups that had apostrophes. ! HTTP_HOST should already include the port number... ! Reviewed the Invision converter, improved its UI, redid the attachments converting, and made it do bbc properly. * The Admin template, in general, now looks a lot better in 800x600, etc. It also works better... edit news, censored, etc. & Now the "Edit News" and "Censored" sections *optionally* uses javascript to add items. & Added more help next to the maintenance options. ! The installer no longer allows invalid prefix characters - it just ignores them. * Removed the unused cat.gif... * Cleaned up some xhtml - inputs that weren't closed, etc. ! Code review: Errors.php. (just some commenting, mainly.) ! After-login redirection now works properly... again. ! If you were a guest, and you tried to post with no name, you'd get an error. & Put all of the "welcome" strings into one, namely $txt['welcome_guest'] - better for i18n. * Changed the index template to use this new string; old index templates should still work. + It's now possible to resend validation emails easily, and to change your email address after registering - with the correct password. * Renamed the "activate" sub template in Login to "retry_activate", and added "resend". & Some new entries addded to the Login language file for this purpose. & Added $txt['whoall_pm_send2'] for pm sending... & Attachments can now be limited by total size per post. ! Now, attachmentSizeLimit or attachmentPostLimit, etc. = 0 means no max. ! Attachments -> Disable New Attachments didn't work. ! Remove old topics was removing stickies again. ! When moving a topic, if you don't specify any text for the redirect, don't add two breaks. ! QuickModeration2 wasn't logging actions properly... or at all. ! Banning by email with wildcard should be possible even if ti might affect admins. * Trying to edit the permissions from manage boards wouldn't work unless it was already local. ! The installer should now properly update $webmaster_email when you set up your inital account. ! When you banned registration, you got errors caused by seemingly minor typos. * Signatures should now have scrollbars too. ! The installer now does much better permissions checking on windows. ! Reserved name search within/don't search within was broken - reversed. ! Made upgrade.php look purdier, removed the javascript requrements. ! Now updateMemberData() supports the '+' and '-' functionality. ! Code review: index.php. (some minor reorganization, more comments, etc.) ! Sessions in the log_online table should be session ids not hashes. ! You shouldn't be able to add smileys with no code at all. ! Spell check was checking words in code blocks too... + Major security addition! checkSession() now has a new parameter to check the referring action via session. ! Added action session check to remove old topics, dump database, and manage attachments. + You can/should now use "quotes" around members you are sending messages to - ie. "I, Brian". ! The installer now automatically logs you in after installing. & Added no_dump_database to the Errors language files. ! Code review: DumpDatabase.php. (cleaned up a lot of commenting.) ! Reviewed the vBulletin (it actually works now!) and XMB (untested!!) converters, upgrading the UI, etc. ! Don't cache fatal database error messages in the browser! ! vBulletin converter can now convert attachments. ! If you are missing YaBB SE settings in Settings.php, upgrade handles it better now. ! Added ID_BOARD column to messages table. Should speed some things up. * Fixed some very strange problems with the new index template by using a table instead. ! The number of views now updates before the page view, not after. + Show permissions now can be used to show either general permissions or permissions by board. & New language entries added to Profile.language.php to reflect above change. ! You could register members with no email address in the admin center. ! You might get errors if you used deny permissions in some cases. * Smileys should now sort, more or less, properly - and save on move. + If you specify a theme in the URL, it is now "sticky" - works for guests too. - Removed, at least temporarily, wildcard support in searching... it's much much faster now. * Added a scrollbar to avatars on Display, and made the post summary overflow with scrollbars. ! XMB Converter can now convert attachments. * Added posts_per_day to contextual information and displayed it for Profile. & Added a posts_per_day language string in the Profile files. ! Added a few new logging events to the moderation log. & Added 5 new language strings in Admin.language.php to reflect the above change. + When creating a membergroup you can select which boards the new membergroup will have access to. & Two new language strings added to ManageMembers.language.php to reflect the above change. ! Upgrade wasn't always converting all messages to have ID_BOARD. ! Avatar upload was mistakenly marking bitmaps as wireless bitmaps. ! Code review: Who.php. (basically fine, just added a little commenting.) * The invertAll javascript function no longer affects disabled checkboxes. ! Banning wasn't always using the right name for the sorry message... ! An error was thrown if two people hit the forum at the same time for the first time that day. ! In SSI.php's pollVote, sometimes you'd get a weird error about copyright missing, if you accessed it directly. ! SSI.php's topPoll/recentPoll were blank for anyone with the permission everywhere. (most people!) ! You couldn't vote in polls with SSI.php in most cases. ! Sometimes, poll results would word wrap in tight places - no longer. ! If the userLanguage setting was off, sometimes strings wouldn't be loaded properly. (!) * Messed with theme administration some, not done yet.. & Added some help strings for themes in Help, Themes, etc. ! parseBoardMod() handles missing files correctly now ! Now, if $fatal is false in loadLanguage, it will always load the language file. ! Don't add to PHP sections twice. * Fixed some minor browser compatibility issues with Post and Display... * Permissions manager now uses radios instead of select boxes. & Added an explanation at the top of ManagePermissions. ! If you tried to preview a theme it got "stuck" on that one. + Added the option to show a popup on new personal messages. * Added some code to the Settings templates to show the popup option. & Added entries to Profile and index language files for the pm popup. ! The ssi_examples pages were mislabeling showPoll. ! boardOrder just wasn't big enough. ! Now all the version numbers say Beta 5 - doesn't mean release today, just soon. ! Cleaned up online logging slightly, not much changed though. ! Posts per day showed rediculous values if the member hadn't been registered for over one day. & Removed some "Hacker?" error messages and put them in Errors. + Now you can pick between jpeg and png for saved avatars. & Added some help text for some of the avatar settings. ! Added some values to the default entries for allowed attachment extensions. & Internationalized the default "Hi.+Are+you+there?" message. ! Added xml:lang to rss and xml output for internationalization. ! The removeMessage() function didn't properly handle working without a board. ! Reminder was giving an error from the wrong language file. ! Now, if you received a message from a guest it says "Guest" instead of not showing anything. * Tweaked the InstantMessage template so it looks a little better. + You can now delete messages with "quick moderation" by checking them from your inbox/outbox. * Solved an issue in Firefox with signature overflowing. ! TRUNCATE should come before DELETE FROM. ! Older versions of PHP used null instead of false for filesystem errors. & Changed a few strings in ManagePermissions to sound better. * Modified the ManagePermissions layout a bit more. + You can now set access rights via permissions instead of boards. & Added the permissions_quickgroups help string to Help. ! Adding a new board/category now requires the user to fill in the details before it's actually added to the database. & One new language string, $txt['mboards_add_cat_button'], added to ManageBoards.language.php. * ManageBoards template updated slightly to accommodate above change. * The "Edit Membergroups" page now limits total stars to 99, and does better updating of the preview. ! Upgrade now "auto continues" after some time... 3 seconds actually. ! Changed some aliases not to use reserved keywords, although this is usually allowed... + New help system using xml based help files with a lot more information. * Moved help.css, redid it, and cleaned it up a lot. * Removed the old-style help from the Help template. & Tore out the now useless stuff from the Help language files. & ReportToModerator now sends your email address and warns you that it does. ! Optimized some for loops to not count an array's length every loop. * The BBC buttons were missing the title attribute... again. I swear I've fixed this three times at least. & Minor aesthetic change to Profile's $txt['messages_from_ip']. ! QuickModeration2 wasn't updating a topic's replies properly. ! Moving topics no longer requires the move permission on both boards, for now. Will rethink. * Moved the catbg definitions to style.css. It just is too hard for people to look everywhere, not worth making images portable. March 2004: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Made MySQL error messages look nicer in the installer. ! Search wasn't handling multiple/0/mixed searching very well. ! Added "police" smiley. (sorry, it's an inside joke...) ! Upgrade wouldn't work properly without English installed. ! Guests would sometimes get errors if they tried to access a profile and had no permissions. & Email, Login, and Logout should be consistently spelled. (English only...) * Cleaned up some